To drive change, you need confidence in your solution. That's why we use real-time analytics to solve strategic challenges that help build organisational intelligence and productivity.

Benefits of Active Care

Sonder's CEO, Craig Cowdrey, talks about the top organisational challenges and statistics (1:30)

For people and culture leaders

We help you solve employee wellbeing and safety challenges.

For people and culture leaders

We help you solve employee wellbeing and safety challenges.

Insights you can act on

Inform your wellbeing strategy with a comprehensive array of anonymised data
to provide better visibility on the current challenges of your workforce and guide early intervention.

Insights you can act on

Inform your wellbeing strategy with a comprehensive array of anonymised data to provide better visibility on the current challenges of your workforce and guide early intervention.

“The Sonder data and reporting system is really important to us as it gives us unique intelligence and insights into the wellbeing of our workforce and their unique needs.”

Emily Frizell, Founder and CEO
AeroPM (Defence industry)

"Our statistic with our prior, more traditional EAP provider where the type that you didn't even need to put them on a dashboard. You could talk about the last handful over the last 24 months of usage moments, which is just not best practice"

Heidi Beck, Chief People Officer,
Team Global Express

Why leading organisations
are embracing Active Care

A word from our medical director


cost per day in lost productivity and participation (Australia-wide)


treatment costs increase as illness progresses from mild to severe


of Australians are dealing with a pending or real mental health concern


of employers had increased the support provided for staff wellbeing since the start of the pandemic in 2021.

£300 billion

The total estimated annual lost in economic output from poor health in the UK (not including health costs).

£53-56 billion

The 2021 estimated cost to employers due to Increases in rates of
'presenteeism' and 'leavism' due to employees' poor mental health.

"The traditional healthcare system just hasn’t caught up. It remains confusing, highly siloed and generic. In contrast, Active Care puts the patient in the driving seat, in control of their own health outcomes with their clinical team so we’re all in it together. This is game-changing. This is the future.”

Dr Jamie Phillips

Medical Director, Sonder


Put care in the hands
of your people


We put an individual’s care in their hands, enabling them to take active control of their wellbeing in a way they’re doing with everything else in their lives - on their terms, on their schedule, and on their device.
